Old English Sheepdog Insurance

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Old English Sheepdogs are large, affectionate dogs known for their shaggy, double-layered coat and distinctive bear-like gait. Originally bred for herding, they are intelligent and adaptable, making excellent family pets. Their friendly demeanor and patient nature suit them well for homes with children, though they require regular grooming.

Are you looking to insure your Old English Sheepdog? It's worth considering Old English Sheepdog pet insurance if you are looking to protect yourself against unexpected vet bills.

Old English Sheepdog Character

Old English Sheepdogs are renowned for their gentle and friendly disposition, making them ideal family pets. They exhibit a playful, affectionate nature, often forming strong bonds with their human family members. Intelligent and trainable, these dogs respond well to positive reinforcement and enjoy being mentally stimulated. Despite their size, they are known for being good-natured and patient, especially with children.

However, they can be a bit headstrong and may display herding behavior, a nod to their pastoral roots. Social and adaptable, they thrive on human interaction and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long. Their amiable and easygoing personality, coupled with a protective instinct, makes them both loving companions and effective watchdogs.

Old English Sheepdog Appearance

Old English Sheepdogs are large, robust dogs characterized by a profuse shaggy double coat, typically grey and white. They have a distinctive bear-like gait, adding to their charm. Their heads are covered with abundant hair, often obscuring the eyes, and they possess a strong, square build. These dogs have a black nose, small ears that lay flat, and a naturally bobbed tail. Their expressive eyes, peeking through the fur, add to their endearing appearance.

Conditions which affect this breed

Old English Sheepdogs are prone to certain breed-specific health issues. These include hip dysplasia, a common condition in larger breeds that can lead to arthritis. They may also suffer from a genetic condition called Cerebellar Abiotrophy, affecting their coordination and balance. Eye problems like cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy are also concerns. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor and manage these conditions.

Additionally, their thick coat requires diligent grooming to prevent skin infections. Proper care and attention to their health needs can help mitigate these risks and ensure a healthy life.

Weird Fact..

Because of their gentle nature, Old English Sheepdogs have historically been referred to as "Nanny Dogs", trusted to watch over and protect children.

Old English Sheepdog History

The Old English Sheepdog originated in the early 19th century in the southwestern counties of England. They were primarily bred for herding sheep and cattle, a task they excelled at due to their strength, endurance, and intelligence. The breed's exact ancestry is unclear, but it's believed they were developed from various herding types of dogs, possibly including the Scottish Bearded Collie and the Russian Owtchar.

The "Sheepdog" part of their name is straightforward, denoting their herding role, but the "Old English" part is a bit of a misnomer since the breed is not that ancient compared to other English breeds. Their distinctive coat served as protection against the harsh, damp climates of England and helped in herding, as the sheep could easily spot them.

The breed gained popularity in the United States in the late 19th century and has since been cherished as both a working dog and a family companion, admired for its distinctive appearance and amiable temperament.

Old English Sheepdog Insurance

When looking to insure your Old English Sheepdog its worth shopping around, with a Old English Sheepdog insurance comparison you may be able to save both time and money so why not get a Old English Sheepdog insurance quote today.

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